Three Things To Do When You Are Preparing To File For Divorce

26 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Divorce is not a decision that is taken lightly. As such, you often know weeks or even months before filing that your marriage is over or headed toward divorce. If you are thinking about filing for divorce or are preparing to file, here are three things that you should do to help you prepare and get ready to end your marriage. 

Take a Look at Your Finances

If you are preparing to file for divorce, take a look at your finances. If you do not have your own bank account or credit cards, now is the perfect time to open your own account or credit card. This can help to give you a cushion in case your spouse gets vengeful and cuts off access to the joint accounts. This can also provides a base so you can begin to build your finances on your own. Lastly, many people do not know all of the debt the other party may have or the assets. Looking at your financial picture before you file helps to minimize the number of surprises that may come out in divorce court. 

Be Cautious With Your Social Media Postings

Another step to take as you are preparing to file for divorce is to be cautious with what you post on social media. Many people turn to social media as a way to vent about things that are going on in their lives or look for support. However, if what you are posting can be viewed as talking poorly about your spouse or even threatening, it can harm your case. Also, be mindful of posting about spending on your social media accounts. Posting about indulging in a spa day or a fancy restaurant can affect your case if you are seeking spousal support. 

Prepare Your Children

Lastly, if you are preparing to file for divorce, take the time to prepare your children. Sit down and talk to your children about the changes that are coming and what they can expect with the changes. If needed, enroll them in therapy or a support group. The more time your children have to prepare for one spouse moving out or for the divorce, the easier it will be for them to process and adjust to. 

Deciding to end your marriage is a big decision. If you have decided to file for divorce, be sure to consult with a family and divorce law firm, like Madden Law Firm The, before filing. They can help you prepare for the divorce and prepare the papers for you that need to be filed. Contact a law firm today for a consultation.